by administrator | Sep 29, 2016 | WPIPC NEWS
The ISSF State championships were held last week-end 24 – 26 September at the Cockburn-Fremantle Pistol Club. Great Attendance and fun for all. Here is the list of Winners for the Competition State Champions Graham Nicholls Gold Medal 25M...
by administrator | Jan 24, 2016 | WPIPC NEWS
The 59th ISSF & PA National Championships 20th to 27th March 2016 Conducted on behalf of Pistol Australia Inc By the West Australian Pistol Association Inc. At the Whiteman Park International Pistol Club Inc WHITEMAN PARK WA Entries close Friday 12th February 2016...
by administrator | Jan 24, 2016 | WPIPC NEWS
Leo Caratti breaks state record Port Bouvard WA1500 January 2016 The first open of the year was held at Port Bouvard with a great turn out and also some rain. Just a passing shower and it ended up a really nice day and a great day for the club with Leo Caratti setting...